Thursday, December 2, 2010

My Baby

Today, while cuddling with my baby, I have been reflecting on this past year.  Tomorrow my baby turns one!  Wow, how did that go by so fast?!  I remember telling myself through out this past year to just pause, take in the moment, and remember the small things.  I was so determined to put those small, delicate moments into my memory bank to stay forever.  And now, as I look back, I barely remember those first days home with him and all the details of this past year.  Sleep deprivation may be a big part of that, or maybe it's trying to balance the attention needed from the baby, his big brother, the dog and the hubby!  If my head could literally spin around and around on my neck, I think I would be propelling myself off the floor most days!  And through it all, I would still love to have a pause button to make things last a little longer.  There have been so many "perfect" days, just at home, spending it in the chaos within these rooms.  Life has been so much greater with my second son here.

Just some things about my baby:
My baby, named Braxton Richard, also is called Chubba Bubba, Budha, Bubbs, Brother.
My baby has been so mild-mannered and is now finding his voice by screaming at his brother.
My baby had refused the bottle for WAY too long, and kept me limited for time away from him, is now drinking from a sippy cup.
My baby at birth weighed 8lbs 7oz  and is now 24lbs+.
My baby is crawling all over but not quite confident in taking those first steps on his own.
My baby loves bath time and splashing and bubbles.
My baby now has 4 teeth and has 2 more just under the gums.
My baby has a head full of loose curls.
My baby has big brown eyes and long "snuffleupagus" eye lashes.
My baby pats my back with his chubby hands while he gives me a hug.
My baby is now saying, "mama" after "dada" and "dah" (dog) and learning simple words through sign language.

My sweet baby boy,
The first time I saw your precious face I cried with joy.  There are days when I watch you sleep and still get tears in my eyes because I am so blessed to be your Mommy.  You are an amazing little boy and it has been so fun watching you learn and grow.  On your 1st birthday, it looks like we will be snuggling and trying to get rid of the sick bug.  I will cherish this day, like all others, just because you're my beautiful son and I'm your very lucky Mommy.  Love you to the moon and back.

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