Friday, January 7, 2011

Great Day!

It's been a great day.  
Great because I didn't have to go into work last night.  
Great because I was on-call and didn't get called in.  
And even greater because I sent the boys to daycare (they were scheduled anyway) and crawled back into bed, until 11:15!!!  
And I don't feel thee least bit guilty. 

I made a quick trip to Target and then picked up the boys.  Jaymeson saw his small gift I had picked up for him and reminded me that he had wanted it for Christmas but didn't get it,
"but that's okay cause you were waiting to get it for me today.  You are the most special Mom."  
What is the gift that makes me so special?....a Spiderman shaving kit like Daddy.

I think he might be out of shaving cream by the end of the day!

There was an extra dose of greatness to the day with
the thoughtfulness of my 4 year old.
Before Jaymeson took a nap he had started the dishwasher and when he awoke went down into the kitchen and put all the dishes away!  He made me close my eyes to see the surprise of an empty dishwasher and said, "I thought you could use some help around here Mom.  I love you."  
Thanks buddy!  
How grateful I am for you!

(And on a side note, I just read my last post which also mentioned sleep....yes, in my world it is a luxury and a sweet, silent gift to myself, therefore, worthy of noting.)

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